Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Today is quite something for me


As I was looking outside from my office window, staring at the white-high class community around Dubai as well thinking bout my planning-moving forward to the positive and negative.

Yeah right now, as planned -I think- getting married is quite something (big thing actually). As what Echan said "I'm doin something that may change all over my life". So I have to think carefully. As what I'm looking around along this way. This is not easy. For me, I thought- doing something right at my age-thougt it's really hard. Hmmm....whatever.

But Ehcan (who not so happy with this) said, I'm too young and have to think more and more-despite having young blood flowing around the 'nafsu', and facing the fact that I'm now is a 'perempuan musafir di tempat asing tanpa ditemani mahram' -graduated as an engineer from UKM, working as an engineer, and getting married with an Al Azhar student as the solution-wow that's quite ganazzz.

As well I'm still searching for myself around our planning. Yet,the marriage is just around the corner- and we are still arguing (this is not really an exact word to describe our discussion bout this matter-but really I have no idea bout other word) where we should live after that.Dubai or Cairo?? Malaysia-sure we don't have to think bout this earlier. But for the very first 3 years-where should we be?

Susah nak cakaplah...Ya Allah beri petunjuk...