I think, it takes quite a long time since I didn't write anything in English on this wall. Why? Practising to be a good Malaysian, perhaps.
And after a letter from Ministry of Higher Education asking me to go for my PhD BTN in Ulu Sepri, Rembau, NS last few weeks, then sooner I realised it actually no point of having a force of patriotism this way.
A gold silly question, could BTN ever changed and train the adult overseas Master or PhD students to be, in order neutralise them to be government supporter? Obviously it turns to the answer, NO!
Because almost the whole overseas Master and PhD students to be had earlier decided what kind of political supporter they are, of course on their years of bachelor degree at the university. It takes years. A long term of an important part of life (20-25 years old-darah muda). So how a 5-6 days programme of BTN can change their mind and political ethics?It's quite pathetic!
It is different of asking a group of freshly SPM graduated overseas bachelor degree students to be, to go for BTN. They are around the age of 17-19 years old, still greening in the political experience. Obviously they would say they'll never betray!
Most of the Master and PhD students to be are around the age of 24-27 something or even older, except for me who doing master on the age of 21! But still BTN did not change my mind. Neither neutral, opposing or supporting. It is nothing. I went back to my home, answering my father question, what you got from your BTN? with nothing. It was just a wasting of 'duit rakyat' je.
The students when off, and still doing the same thing. Supporting something else then the government. Who can change them? Obviously not the BTN!
Most of today young folks were born not to be a good government supporter. Only a little of them are still grabbing the aspiration of Wawasan 2020-or else Islam Hadhari-or else yang 1 tu!!!Only a little. Please take not. A little. So little.
I am not intending of showing any 'muyul' to any political organization, but it is just emphasizing the reality. But for sure, I am not a good political viewer. And not interested in any kind of political activities, even the Pilihan Raya Umum. I really not interested and never register for being a voter.