This evening, a cousin of mine asked me, why I choose to put my blog from left side. Well, to be honest, I'm lefthanded. So what I do, everything is easier to be from the left side.
Right hand actually is more honour compared to left, but as what we know, the fact is right and left, both are kurniaan Allah. So, why we should bother about that? Allah gives, we take. It's actually good enough to have a pair of hand. Some people born without hands!
When I was only 7 years old, I've an ustaz. He teach me pendidikan Islam. I'm the one in the class who write using left hand. So one day, the early 30-years old (at that time) ustaz, came to my class. He was replacing Ustazah Maryam who took leave of giving birth to a newly born baby. It was his first time to teach us. Ustaz gave us some exercise to be done. And like usual, I was the one who was in the term of highly spirited to do the exercise.
After a few minutes, ustaz came to my desk. As I was very hardworking one, I didn't see ustaz's face, who was staring (tak puas hati) at my lefthanded writing.
After a few minutes, ustaz came to my desk. As I was very hardworking one, I didn't see ustaz's face, who was staring (tak puas hati) at my lefthanded writing.
Then, ustaz, by using his rotan, knocked on my desk to order me to see his face. As I take up my head, I saw ustaz face wasn't in a well manner. He was mad at me.
Ustaz said "Farahdina, kenapa awak menulis dengan tangan kiri?"
And no doubt, I was shivering on that time. Ustaz was very angry to me. Everyone in the class looked at both of us, quite suprise.
He took away my pencil. But for the sake, I was not crying at that time. Because I know it wasn't my fault.
Ustaz gave back my pencil.
"Tulis guna tangan kanan". He ordered. I took the pencil, trying to write by using this other side of hand. But I can't. It wasn't an easy task. It was very hard. I can't write even a letter! But I didn't cry.
"Guna tangan kanan kamu tu". Again Ustaz rose his voice up.
I can't.
At that time, it was just like a drama of a cruel step mother forcing her step daughter to mop the floor.
And finally, as I still can't make it (writing by using right hand side) ustaz decided to punish me.
He asked me to do my work outside of my class, at the 'kaki lima'. What a poor experience I had on that time.
After that, I never meet ustaz again. One day, if ditakdirkan, I meet ustaz again, I just want to thank him. Because he made me realised, that whoever we be, on whatever way, Islam tetap yang paling benar.
For just being a lefthanded, it doesn't show that we are not islamic. For me it was a wonderful clear sort of a new way, despite drive me wisely in a highly risk of making choice, 'memperteguhkan keazaman' to join tahfiz. And nowadays, my choice come out with an un-fruitless result- I've become a huffaz,surely a lefthanded one - alhamdulillah. Even Al Quran is from right side, but I found Allah 'mempermudahkan jalan' for me, a LEFTHANDED girl, who has bad memory of being insulted by her ustaz just because she uses her left hand to write, is now able to memorize this holy kitab.
For just being a lefthanded, it doesn't meant we can't be a good muslimin or muslimah. Forcing a kid to write using his/her right hand is just clearly shows the idiocy of an adult.
And when I'm now a 22 years old woman, a man make me realised, being a lefthanded is not a weakness, or even kecacatan. It's an award from Allah. He motivated me with his story about his syeikh in Egypt, who is also a lefthanded person becoming an 'alim' on religious matters.
I'm so glad, Allah gives me enough in almost everything. Allah gives me HAND. BOTH HAND. LEFT AND RIGHT. AND ALLAH CREATED ME AS A LEFTHANDED PERSON. ALHAMDULILLAH.
"Prescribed for you, obligatory [for you], is fighting, disbelievers, though it be hateful to you, by nature, because of the hardship involved. Yet it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you; and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you: because the soul inclines towards those desires which result in its destruction and its rejection of the religious obligations that would bring about its happiness. Perhaps, then, even if you are averse to it, you will find much good in fighting, as a result of victory, booty, martyrdom or reward; while, if you were to reject fighting, even if you would like to do so, you will find much evil, because then you may be subjugated, impoverished and denied the reward; God knows, what is good for you, and you know, this, not, so strive in what He commands you".
Al Baqarah, 216
Maybe we don't love something that has been destined for us. But just accept it. Because Allah's choice is the best choice after all.
It is not a weakness if we don't have what others have. Then, it must be something else in ourselve that totally better than others. We are not perfect. Maybe we have something, but we don't have another things. Every human has his/her own weakness and advantages.
Because we are all not same. Allah created us to be uniquely different from each other.
"Kau lihat aku, aku pula lihat dia...samakah kita?"