Saturday, 8 August 2009

mentally retarded- terencat akal

This is the karyotype series of human who suffered of the abnormal chromosomals structure called Trysomy 21.This autosomal abnormality, which their 21st chromosome have an extra copy leading to a genetic disorder called Down Syndrome. Which characterised their sufferer by blunt facial features, short stature, and learning difficulties. At first, all children suffering from Down syndrome look alike all over the world regardless of race and color. Also, most of them have a Simian line in their palms. This is medically known as "Single transverse palmar crease" or "Simian crease". The behaviors of such children show common likely activity such as smile when they are happy and anger when they are sad. Is there anyone who could answer the above mystery? Yes, many people can answer that.

These abnormality in chromosomals structure leading to Down Syndrome, where mental retardation is one of the package. But Down Syndrome is not the single cause of mental retardation. There are many other syndrome leading to this problem.But people, when focussing on this 'terencat akal' issue, are commonly refered to the Down Syndrome matter.
Then I would be agree to both of the words. Mentally retarded can, terencat akal pun boleh. People use it widely. But currently, I'm going to talk about some of us especially in Malaysia who commonly threated these syndrome sufferer not as part of the community.
Why these all should happen. Somebody who's suffered from mental retardation or terencat akal are also human being. They have their own place in the community. Although they can't play the wide role in developmenting the world or else 'menyumbang pada kemodenan dan kecanggihan', but these people are actually a gift to us as we're admitting that we are all insan yang tidak cacat. 
These are what we call as an 'amanah' from Allah. It's a fact that every child is amanah Allah, but these special group is relatively giving us more definition on taking this amanah sincerely. Thought they are not able to manage themselve, even on eating by themselve or cooking, but we have to percisely helping them in providing a basic education on self management, and co-up with their expecting abilities.
Now, there are some special school which offered the particular education to these special person. Or else the 'pendidikan khas programme' which offered in some common daily school. These all to give this special generation on the way of having their life as perfect as the normal person's life.
Parents I have found some parents who's facing this problem, make it really hard to admit that they have these special kids. Some of them, try to hide their child from community. Or even in a more cruel part, never admit that they have given birth, or admitting that their child died during the labouring process. This is truly wrong. These special kids are not to be hiding. Show them as part of your real life. Bring them to join the community. Threat them as how you threat your other kids (in the particular part or some more). Don't ever ignore them, or else not taking care of their education, on the reason that Down Syndrome or mentally retarded or terencat akal kids couldn't learn anything from the mass education system. Even, for sure they are not expecting to be a doctor, engineer or else an architect, but there are still another way of education that suited to them. It's the education of life management, even as simple as having bath by their own, or clean up their bed in the morning.
So parents, who have this special amanah, don't and never ever thinking of having this kind of child is about insulting your parenting capability. Beside this is actually a way of improving your parenting achievement,which not all people are given this amanah, so once you have, then you should take it as a way of how Allah will give you extra way of collecting pahala in parenting experience. Despite the more difficulties you faced in raising your children up, the more pahala is debitting in your amalan's account. Isn't it?
(this is written on special dedication to Abang Kamal,semoga Allah sentiasa memberkatimu, dan menempatkan insan seistimewa dirimu ke syurga. Engkau ibarat kain putih~~tiada dosa, tiada noda~sesungguhnya dirimu lebih suci daripada kami)