Saturday, 1 August 2009

kenduri kendara buat saya rasa bahagia

Today is 1st August 09, and I'm now home after a few lonely months at United Arab Emirates, of course at Dubai, a well manner district, which my love is now likely to grown up. Hmm...alhamdulillah to be seated here today, and having a precious time updating this 'blog picisan' instead of kesibukan orang-orang di luar dengan kerja kahwinnya. My house also be a markas operasi for this hari bahagia. Alhamdulillah. Adat hidup berjiran.
Of course this kenduri kendara buat saya rasa bahagia!
Nothing much to be said. Obviously I'm happy to be home right now. After some outstation at Singapore last 2 days. I don't know who did it, arranging me on behalf of Dubai's British Petroleum to attend a course at Singapore. But surely I felt very happy to hear that from the chief clerk last Tuesday, that I must attend the course at Singapore, and the fact is that was such a great news. Surely Singapore is the right place to have that course, because I can steal my own time to be here right now, in my lovely parent's home. Well, for the first planning, I got to go to Turki for this course. But it has been cancelled on the last moment due to the swine flu that flowing happily around the world this lately. And for sure, after attended that course at a hotel and also Nanyang University in the city of Singapore, and after having about 4 hours journey by bus from Singapore to Melaka, I'm now at home and got the chance in attending Aisyah's, makcik Maria daughter's solemnization day. And together with all my neighbours, waiting for makcik eton. But strictly, I do not put a high expectation of her present in this wedding ceremony. But who knows, some miracle will be happen. And makcik eton will come...haha...what a silly waiting session we have this moment. Just wasting our time indeed.

Well, I'm praying for Aisyah and Fuddin, may Allah bless their ikatan suci, of course this pernikahan. Semoga berkekalan dunia akhirat insya Allah.